Another Week Down...

Week 35!!!! This past week I have had a lot stronger contractions, mostly at night time that will wake me up. My sleeping is off and on...some nights it’s great and I’ve even slept in until 9-10am and some nights it’s terrible and I’m wide awake until after midnight or for 2-3 hours in the night. So, looking forward to sleeping on my stomach again. My appetite comes and goes...loving veggies, watermelon, sour gummies, and drinking tons of water!!! Not really wanting any meat again! The pressure down below is intensifying and bathroom visits are at an all-time high, sometimes I’ll go, stand up, and have to go again! My boobs are huge, my belly is huge, it’s so hot outside and I kept stressing that my water might break when I’m out in public somewhere!!! I’ve been trying to stay busy with some house projects and making sure everything is ready for baby’s parents to be back here with us in just under 2 weeks now but I’m also making sure I rest and put my feet up when I can! I’ve stocked up on all the pet supplies, cleaning supplies and snacks, and food for Blaise and the kids! Yup!!! I think I’m officially ready! 😁

Today, we had our weekly check-up and non-stress test...and today's test was the best one yet. The Baby's heartbeat was between 140-180 and lots of movements. Dr. confirmed again that all the pressure, frequent bathroom trips, and contractions are all normal as my body is getting ready. He said, this one will feel different and more intense than my own pregnancies because he is so low, head down and in the perfect birthing position, unlike Bryce and Emma who stayed sideways (transverse) the entire time. He is planning to check my cervix and do the group b strep test next Monday and will evaluate things over the next few days/weeks to determine the official section date...if he holds out that long. The original date is set for 8/6 but we may go one more week ahead which would be 7/30. Other than that, he said everything looks so great and I make this look easy. LOL  Although, it hasn't felt easy the past few days - I can't really complain as it has been an enjoyable pregnancy and that's why I signed up to do this! I can tough out the last few weeks to make someone's dreams come true!!!! My Dr. thinks I'm crazy for already planning journey #2!

Baby's Mum and I both have a little fear that he may come before they arrive back to FL in 2 weeks so hopefully, he will hang on a little longer but the big brother has learned how to say new babies name and it is the sweetest thing ever...until next week!

Grabbed some onesies to throw in my hospital bag...just in case!!! 😉


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