
Showing posts from September, 2018

Official plan and orders...

Tuesday we finally got our official plan and orders! We are tentatively scheduled to transfer on October, 16th! The dates are all good with everyone, but we will have to hope we do not have any storms or hurricanes come this way or Blaise will have to stay home and work. My mom said she would go with me if Blaise was not able to. We Skyped without IPs this past Sunday and talked about dates for them to come to visit us. We are being very optimistic hoping we will have a successful first try transfer but they would like to come to Florida in February! Yesterday, I received all my meds! EKKK!! The needles are big and a bit overwhelming. Thankfully, I don't start those until a few days before the transfer but I will have to take them every day until we are 10 weeks. I started prenatal vitamins about 3 weeks ago as I felt like it wouldn't hurt. Today, I will take my last birth control pill and start folic acid and aspirin. This weekend I will be expecting a period and on Tuesday

Best News....

The positive vibes worked!!! Yesterday, I had the repeat sonohystogram and they didn’t see anything and said everything looked great for an embryo! We also heard from the San Diego Clinic that the dr. reviewed the results and said I do NOT need to do the mock cycle so that means we can start the real cycle on my next period in just 2 more weeks and then a transfer soon after!!!!! I’m so happy I can do this!  #suromom We went out to celebrate and I enjoyed my last drink for a while. Everything just keeps falling into place, reassuring us that this is meant to be!


The last 2 weeks have been a little stressful and very busy! I was able to get into my OBGYN but he said I would need to schedule the hysteroscopy and go to the hospital and be put under for that procedure. We went ahead and scheduled it for September 13th. It dawned on me though that I should maybe call my insurance company to see how much this would cost. Insurance advised me that it would be thousands of dollars to do at the hospital and I would receive bills from everyone. She suggested that I have it done at an outpatient surgery center and then my co-pay would only be $250. I had to make several phone calls between my insurance, my OBGYN, the surrogacy agency, and the San Diego Clinic. My program coordinator for the surrogacy agency is great but she is brand new and I think she is learning a lot through us. After a few days of back and forth, we finally came up with a plan...I will have to go to a local Fertility clinic here in Clearwater a few times before and after the transf