
The last 2 weeks have been a little stressful and very busy! I was able to get into my OBGYN but he said I would need to schedule the hysteroscopy and go to the hospital and be put under for that procedure. We went ahead and scheduled it for September 13th. It dawned on me though that I should maybe call my insurance company to see how much this would cost. Insurance advised me that it would be thousands of dollars to do at the hospital and I would receive bills from everyone. She suggested that I have it done at an outpatient surgery center and then my co-pay would only be $250.

I had to make several phone calls between my insurance, my OBGYN, the surrogacy agency, and the San Diego Clinic. My program coordinator for the surrogacy agency is great but she is brand new and I think she is learning a lot through us. After a few days of back and forth, we finally came up with a plan...I will have to go to a local Fertility clinic here in Clearwater a few times before and after the transfer to make sure things are working right.

So, they decided to send me there today for a repeat sonohystogram so we can see if what they saw is gone and if the surgery is even necessary since I did have my period. We still have the surgery set for next just in case so we can be ahead of the game. I need positive vibes today for this appt. and hope we are in the clear and don't have to have this setback. They also mentioned to us that I would have to do a mock cycle for 2-3 weeks due to the results when we went out to San Diego. That would allow them to start me on all meds to see how my body reacts to it without actually doing the transfer. My IPs and I were hoping we wouldn't have to do this but it is what it is.


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