We passed...

This morning I went for my second lining check to see how things were looking and if my lining had thickened and become optimal for a transfer! The ultrasound looked great, the lining was a 12.2 and the nurse said I was triple striped. Meaning, I had three layers/lines that are crucial to have in order to transfer. I went home and started to enjoy thanksgiving break, trying hard to put it out of my mind while we wait for the official word from San Diego to see if we passed early and can transfer next Monday!

Around 5pm we got our official email and green light that everything looked good and we could officially transfer on 11/26. It was such a relief and so exciting to finally start moving forward! Now, that we passed we add more medications to our regimen. On Wednesday, 11/21 I will start the progesterone shots. This is the one thing that I’ve been a little nervous about. I don’t mind needles or shots but the needle is very long and imitating and jabbing in like a dart is what freaks me out a bit! 😬 Some women have someone give them their shots and some do them themselves. They are administered in an awkward spot...in the upper, outer quadrants above your butt. I don’t think I’d be able to reach and see to do it myself plus the fear of anticipation so plan to have Blaise do all my shots for me. We started talking about the first shot and then remembered that night Blaise wouldn’t be home as he was invited to the hockey game. I had to find someone to help me so thankfully my sister-in-law, Sarah said she’d come and help! Even though I’m still a little nervous, I’m so happy to finally be at this point so just keep thinking about all the great things that are about to happen and excited for our second trip back out to California in just a few days.


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