Official plan and orders...

Tuesday we finally got our official plan and orders! We are tentatively scheduled to transfer on October, 16th! The dates are all good with everyone, but we will have to hope we do not have any storms or hurricanes come this way or Blaise will have to stay home and work. My mom said she would go with me if Blaise was not able to. We Skyped without IPs this past Sunday and talked about dates for them to come to visit us. We are being very optimistic hoping we will have a successful first try transfer but they would like to come to Florida in February!

Yesterday, I received all my meds! EKKK!! The needles are big and a bit overwhelming. Thankfully, I don't start those until a few days before the transfer but I will have to take them every day until we are 10 weeks. I started prenatal vitamins about 3 weeks ago as I felt like it wouldn't hurt. Today, I will take my last birth control pill and start folic acid and aspirin. This weekend I will be expecting a period and on Tuesday the 25th, I will have my first baseline appointment to check to see if my lining is nice and thin and there are no issues. If all is good, I will add more meds (Estrogen) the next morning. These upcoming appointments are at a local monitoring clinic in Clearwater and I will go back weekly for 2 weeks to check my lining again. At the October 3rd and 10th appointments, we want the lining to be thick. A thick lining helps the embryo stick. Somethings that are supposed to help build your lining are of course the medication, drinking pure pomegranate juice, eating a healthy green diet, and avoiding coffee.

Some other superstitions are to wear green the day of your transfer, paint your toes green, wear warm fuzzy socks too and after the transfer,  stay warm, rest, eat McDonald's fries, and have acupuncture. It is also said, that you should eat an entire pineapple including the core the first day of the transfer and 5 days after.

Never been so excited to start my period! lol

Tentative Transfer Dates:
9/21       Last Birth Active Control Pill
9/25       Baseline Ultrasound and bloodwork appointment
9/26       Start Estradiol medication – pending baseline appointment
10/3       Follow Up Ultrasound and bloodwork appointment
10/10     Follow Up Passing Ultrasound and bloodwork appointment
10/16     Tentative Transfer Date – SDFC


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