Week 30!!!

Week 30!! 7 more weeks until our Swiss family is back in Florida and just 9 weeks until our scheduled c-section. 

Baby's parents are so eager to get back here and we all cant wait to meet this little guy and see and hold him for the first time and I cannot wait to see their reactions, big brother's reaction, and how they will adjust to being a family of 4!

We did a Skype call today with the agency to finalize everything for delivery which made things feel super real and close!!! Baby’s parents also booked their flights for July to come back and be here a week before the scheduled c-section. 

Not too much to report other than we are just a few days away from week 30! We had another check-up appointment yesterday and all is continuing perfectly! So perfectly, that doc said I can come back in 3 weeks instead of 2! The little guy is still head down and super flexible. He is Literally folded in half like a taco, with his feet up by his face. He said this is why I’m feeling some pressure and even said, if I wanted too I could probably do a VBAC this time vs a c-section but the thought of pushing a baby out scares the heck out of me. Lol, I think we will just go with what we know! He’s not as big as Bryce and Emma were NEVER head down and so low so he was just saying I’d be a good candidate for a VBAC if I wanted it. The baby is measuring 2 pounds which is right on target and his heartbeat was 134 today. Love that my doc does 4d pics for us each visit...baby is getting so stinkin’ cute. 💙

He’s is still very active! His movements have been a lot more aggressive this past week causing me to have to move around a lot and even have me saying, “whoa, agh!” He feels like he’s doing flips in there and there have been times that my stomach makes waves. I guess he’s still got some room in there to move around even though I’m feeling like he doesn’t.  (This is by far my favorite thing about being pregnant) We also got to feel him have the hiccups the other night for the first time. 🥰


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