glucose test and check up...

Wednesday, I did the annual glucose testing 🤢 Got to the lab 30 minutes earlier hoping to be in and out! After the first blood draws and drinking the awful drink they tell me I’ll be there 2 hours with 2 more draws! 🤭 Really??? Wasn’t prepared to spend half my morning there.

Today, we had another check-up with dr. All is good and we passed our glucose test!! My iron count is pretty low so I was asked to start taking an iron pill but no biggie. The little prince is already starting to move down a bit and still sitting very awkward. We couldn’t get a good 4d pic today because his face was pushed up against my uterus. He also looked a little annoyed in the 4d he wanted to sleep and we were messing with him. He danced and moved around all day today in my belly while we ran our dress rehearsals at school so I guess he was tired out. His heartbeat was 147 and dr. Said I may not make it to the scheduled delivery date and he may come sooner. I’ll be going every 2 weeks now and then weekly so we can keep checking in and make sure parents get back here for his birth! I’ve also been having few Braxton Hicks contractions, which dr said are completely normal too and just my body preparing for the big day. He said they are usually at nighttime and I responded, “Yep! 9pm like clockwork!”

Little man’s movements and kicks are much stronger now. He is still very active all throughout the day and I have felt him a few times in the middle of the night the past week. My belly also jumps frequently with his kicks, which is so cool to watch! Caught a few on video this week for the baby’s parents.

I’m starting to really miss sleeping on my stomach and as my belly continues to grow, finding comfortable positions is getting harder. I flip constantly throughout the night because my sides feel numb! AND oh my goodness...the charlie horses in my legs and feet have been bad over the last 2 weeks!

Food cravings are mostly still the same...salads, fruit, hot dogs, and peanut butter! I’ve also been enjoying and craving a lot more water, ice pops, goldfish crackers, lemonade, and chocolate!! (He is SWISS so chocolate is good)


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