Crazy/emotional week 25...

This week, we hit 25 weeks and it was also a little scary and emotional...

On Monday, on my way to work, I was sitting at a red light behind a long line of cars when I happen to look in my rearview mirror to see an SUV coming pretty fast and thinking “Wow, she’s not slowing down.” As she got closer I realized, “crap she’s not stopping” and quickly tried to move over to the left out of the way. I avoided hitting the small car in front of me but she slammed into my truck. Thankfully, I was in the truck and had a trailer hitch on the back but I have never been hit so hard and it’s also been about 12 years since I’ve been in an accident. Usually, things feel like they are in slow motion when you are in an accident but this one just happened so fast...I guess because I saw it coming.

I called into work and then called 911. They keep me on the phone for a while because I told them I was pregnant. I felt kind of weird like I was going to throw up and my arms were super heavy and numb. The dispatcher keeps me calm and said to remain in the truck until the police got there. The lady that hit me was also just sitting in her car and I could see her front bummer in the road along with lots of liquid. When the police arrived he asked us to move out of the road so traffic could get through. The EMTs walked me to an ambulance to be checked out and said, I was in shock, and because my blood pressure and heart rate were so high they wanted to take me for a ride to the hospital. I thought that was a good idea anyway since we have a little one to also worry about and make sure he was ok as well. I did feel him kicking while sitting there which made me feel good but then I started crying and got really upset hoping we were both ok. I called Blaise because he was going to need to come to the scene of the accident to talk to the police and get my truck.

The next thing, I knew I was having my first ride in an ambulance. I felt so sick to my stomach. The paramedics keep telling me to calm down and breathe because my stress could make the baby start to stress. We got to the hospital and I was taken to OB and delivery to be checked. They wanted to do an ultrasound since I had my seatbelt on to make sure there were no issues. My body could not stop shaking so I called my mom to come to sit with me. When she and Blaise arrived it made me feel a lot better and my vitals started going back down. A lady came in who was not very friendly and did about a 20-minute ultrasound, took lots of pictures, and said absolutely nothing, which started making me nervous again. The nurses came back in and said I could probably leave at noon if my vitals continue to look good so at that time Blaise left and went back to work.

30 minutes later the nurses walked in and said, “we are going to move you to a more comfortable room and have you get into a gown....” “WHAT???, I thought I was leaving soon???” Apparently, they noticed something on the ultrasound and said I would be staying at least 24 hours. We moved to the other room and I called Blaise to let him know he was going to need to bring me a bag. Then the nurses walked in with all kinds of stuff and said, “it looked like I may have an abruption and they wanted to give me a steroid shot in case they needed to deliver baby it would help his lungs.” There went my stress level again!! I was like “um, no we can’t deliver, I’m only 25 weeks.” They said, “a dr. was on her way and she would explain more.” I then realized, "crap, I have to call my dr.” I grabbed my phone and they were calling me. The nurse at my Drs office said, “not allow them to do anything and just wait until my dr was out of a c-section as he would probably want me to leave and go to our hospital in Spring Hill to be re-evaluated.” The nurses were pretty persistent in wanting me to stay there and start the shot and blood work.

Not too long later my dr. called me personally and said,  “because I was not physically bleeding or having abdominal pain he felt I needed to leave and be re-evaluated somewhere else because things just didn’t sound right.” After fighting with the nurses and dr. at the current hospital for about an hour we signed out and left and boy, was that the best thing I did!

My mom drove me to Spring Hill and they re-did all the scans and blood work. On the car ride up all I could think about was the baby’s parents. 2 sonogram techs performed another ultrasound which neither was seeing what was seen earlier. Then they even had the actual radiologist and neonatal dr. do another scan which they determined everything was fine! The placenta was still attached, no bleeding, plenty of blow flow, and one super active baby!! They believed that because I was stressed it was causing the baby to stress and move which his shadows caused them to mistakenly think there was a small abruption. The baby was breech that morning but then when back to transverse when we arrived at Spring Hill.

I let the baby’s parents know everything through a detailed message and then Blaise spoke with them on the phone. It was definitely a bit of a scare but then we were so relieved! I couldn’t imagine being so far away and know that was going on so I had to let them know ASAP. We decided it would be best for me to stay overnight for 24-hour monitoring just to be sure all was good and it was!!! They checked me every 2 hours. (Baby is still so little so he was kicking and moving so much it was hard to keep the monitors on)  His heartbeat stayed steady the entire time and the nurse even said, "he has the cutest little chubby cheeks already."

I woke up the next morning pretty sore in my back from the impact and after all the adrenaline wore off but was able to go home later that afternoon. We were then able to have a face to face Skype call with parents, which we all needed and felt so much better after. I took a bath and it was nice to be back home and in my bed. Wednesday, I took off as well to have the morning to sleep in and continue to ice and heat my back since there wasn’t much else I could do for it. I did go for a little light massage which really helped and was back to work on Thursday. So thankful, everything worked out.

I had a follow-up appointment today and little man and I are still doing WONDERFUL!! Dr. did an ultrasound to make sure again all looked well and it did. Dr. even did some 4d pics for the baby's parents and it was so cool we saw him opening and closing his mouth and even caught a yawn. He is so stinkin' cute. Dr. said baby is about 2 pounds, head down, feet up by face, and heartbeat is 144. So glad of the choices we made this week to keep the little guy in there a little longer and keeping my belly buddy and godchild safe. I go back in 2 weeks and also have to schedule my glucose testing for next week.

I have finally had to purchase some maternity clothing last weekend. My belly is getting so big and I can't quite squeeze into my normal clothes anymore. I can't wait for summer to get here so I can lounge in t-shirts dresses and chill in the pool!!

25 weeks 3 days - He must be comfy in there...although the way he is currently position is causing me to feel like I have to pee every few seconds.  Look at his little feet and toes in the last picture up by his face... 


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