Officially Graduated....

This morning I had my final ultrasound at our monitoring clinic and have officially been released and “graduated” from the care of San Diego Fertility Center.

I will now be able to start seeing my regular OB that delivered Bryce and Emma and he will deliver “Baby Swiss". My first appointment with him is already set for 1/21 and I will be 11 weeks at that time!

Today’s appointment was great! The baby actually looks like a baby now! He or she has already flipped over the other way from last week and we would clearly see the baby’s arms and legs! The heartbeat is 161 and it is measuring right on target!! 1.98cm.

I do have a small subchorionic hematoma (blood clot). The nurse said this is VERY common in IVF and on our support page I have seen many women post about it. It typically goes away on its own and does not cause issues. I am not going to worry or stress about it. The nurse said there isn't much we can do but not to do any heavy lifting or crazy exercise and to rest when I can. 

This past week the nauseousness has kicked in even more! It seems to come around 3pm and last till bedtime. I still have not gotten sick but feel super queasy and my mouth is so watery. I did go to Walgreens to pick up tablets and candy drops to help! I think it is the meds causing it because I never felt this way on my own.

I also have learned how to give myself my own shots! Well, really I have had no other choice...Blaise is out of town for work for 10 days and it's up to me to do them. They are going well. The first night I had to take out and re-do because there was some blood in the syringe when I pulled back and they want you to remove and re-do if that happens. So, that night I got extra practice and gave myself 2 shots. 26 shots left!!!! 

This past week's cravings have been grilled cheese, popcorn, salad, and Arnold Palmer! I’ve also felt really bloated and felt some tightness in my lower abdomen the past few days. My pregnancy app says that you start showing earlier with more pregnancies as your body is working hard to start making room and pushing organs out of the way.  I haven’t gained any weight yet but feel 10 pounds heavier!

My intended mom and I have been thinking about the sex of the baby. I keep going back and forth and based on my food cravings I’m leaning towards a boy again! ☺️ So excited for them to find out if they will have another boy or a little princess. 

8 weeks 3 days 

Pre-belly 6 weeks 

8 weeks 


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