hurry up and wait...

It's been a long week. I started the Provera 10 day pills on Thursday and have 2 more to take. Then it's hoping for a period to start soon after the last pill so we can get out tentative plan and dates again for round 2. This whole process is HURRY UP AND WAIT. I am so ready and excited to do this and each setback makes it that much longer. I have to keep reminding myself to chill and remember if something comes up it was for a reason. My wonderful IPs send me a box full of yummy chocolates, a cute shirt, and a beautiful card. This box couldn't have come on a better day. It made me feel so special and now I have plenty of snacks to eat while I wait. ;) 

On Tuesday 10/16 - the day we were scheduled to transfer the IPs had a Skype call with our Dr. He was suppose to call me right after but never did. The IPs told me that from his call he thought I was on the meds too long and said that we need to be more flexible next time in terms of transfer dates (he said the one-week timeframe for transfer). This sounded great but since I never heard from Dr. myself I was still wondering what the next round would look like. I emailed my nurse and she had no info on their conversation and said she would follow up and get back to me. So again, we wait...


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