Rollercoster of High to Low 😔 .....

Yesterday, I had my final lining check and blood work before the transfer! The nurse said I won the nicest lining of the week! The lining is beautiful, super fluffy, and measuring a 14!!!! 

Unfortunately, after feeling so good all day we ended the night in disappointment. Our Nurse from the San Diego clinic emailed us and said, "unfortunately, we are not emailing with good news, while the lining has reached 14mm, the lining is not looking optimal for your embryo transfer.  Dr. Daneshmand would like to cancel the cycle at this time and retry with Jenna's next menstrual period." Reading this email made me feel so deflated and of course, I had a lot of questions. I responded with some of my questions and she got right back with me...mainly wanted to see why it was canceled and what our new timeline would look like. She still didn't get into details of why it wasn't optimal but said Dr. D would schedule a call with us to go over that. She also said they are very optimistic that this next round will work fine. As for a timeline, it's hard to get exact dates but I will start Provera for 10 days to help clear the system and bring on a period, once I get the period I will call her and we will get tentative dates again. I'll do a short time on birth control pills again to control my cycle and then will start the meds and lining checks over. She said we are looking at end of November early December at a glance. 

My IPs messaged me this morning and although we are all shocked and disappointed, we know it just wasn't meant to happen this time. Hey, it’s called a journey for a reason!! 😊 We are ready to go with round 2!!! 


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