Medical Screening Continued....

We are back and super tired from flying across the country and back in less than 24 hours!!! Everything was great and we even got a special delivery from our IPs when we arrived to check into the hotel. They sent us 12 gourmet cupcakes and a beautiful note. We rented a car and drove around. We found Jolla Cove which was breathtaking. We were able to walk right up to wild sea lions and the cove and waves were an amazing sight to see. We then explored Solana Beach had dinner at a local restaurant, the Pillbox, and found a brewery. The city and beaches are so similar but so different.

Monday the 20th was my actual scheduled medical screening. We got up that morning at 5:30am FL time and had to sit around and wait for things to open because of the 3 hour time difference. We had hotel breakfast and also received our final legal contract that morning so we printed it so we could read and go through it on our plane ride home.

The medical screening itself was pretty short and simple although I was so nervous. They had to retake my blood pressure because it was a little high. They conducted urine and blood samples from both Blaise and me and then did a physical on me which included a sonohystogram. This procedure is started as a basic pap exam but is defiantly a little weird and uncomfortable. The nurse said this will be very similar to the actual transfer procedure except I will have a very full bladder for that. I had my eyes closed the entire time and Blaise couldn't wait for it to be over and be out of the room. lol

The nurse then said, "I am not sure what that is? What is that spot?" My heart was racing and I start looking at the screen to see what she's talking about and she finally says I think it may be a small polyp. I freaked out and said, "I have cancer?" She calmed me down and explained that polyps in the uterus are a very common and normal thing for a lot of women and no it's not cancer. However, for this journey, we don't want polyps because that could cause the embryo not to stick or result in a miscarriage. She finished and said everything else looked ok though. She asked us to hang out in the waiting room and wait for the Doctor as he was on his way in and he could also look at the pictures and we can see what he recommends. He did not seem concerned at all and said it could even be a blood clot that would shed on my next period. He recommended that I see my OBGYN and either repeat today's procedure after a period or schedule a hysteroscopy to remove the polyp and make sure everything is good for transfer. I was sad to have to share this news with the IPs but they were great and understood. 

"It's only a little bump in the road and in a week or so it's a memory" - Intended Mom


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