Ultrasound 1....

Well, it was a VERY wet morning, but we had our 1st ultrasound this morning and we have a super strong little one in there! I am beyond excited for all of us. What a special Christmas blessing!!

I was full of excitement last night and this morning was wide awake at 5am. The drive this morning was nasty and I was really hungry before the appointment. 😋 I made it there a little early and once I got in and had my paperwork filled out they called my name to go back.

I wasn't able to videotape the ultrasound which kind of bummed me out but as soon as she put the wand on my belly we could see the sac and little "pea". We also saw a strong heartbeat and a little flutter. 💓 She took lots of measurements and pictures and looked for more than 1 babe, but we didn't see any. Heart-rate is 132 bpm.

I get to go back and have 2 more ultrasounds at 7 and 8 weeks and we will be able to watch the little one grow before we graduate from the clinic and I am released to my own OBGYN.  My IPs are thrilled and I am sure feeling some relief too!! We have been chatting all day and they just make me so happy and feel so good inside. 💖🤰🐣


6 Weeks 2 Days 


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