Shots, Shots, Shots...

I have shared with some friends some funny stories the past few weeks and some said, "you need to add this to your blog..."

The shots are going really well, which I am so glad because I was the most nervous about that part. Some I feel and some I don't! I think we have a good routine down now that works well. I use a heating pad for a little bit beforehand and warm up my booty and the syringe, Blaise does the injection and Emma is my band-aid girl, then I warm it again afterward.

The second night of shots, which was Blaise's first time doing it was on Thanksgiving and we were out black Friday shopping. I told Blaise we could do it in the car at the Target parking lot but he said no, let's go into the family bathroom. We walked in and there was a State Trooper at the front doors who watched us walk into the bathroom together. This one took a little longer than normal because it was Blaise's first try. When we walked out of the bathroom together 15 mins later the trooper just eyed us up and down. ;) lol

Last Thursday, I had my first bleeder. I did not feel the shot go in at all but when Blaise pulled it out it squirted about 6 inches. This happens from time to time and just means you hit a blood vessel. It freaked us out a bit. :)

This past week we went to Hooters for dinner. Blaise had a boat parade meeting and then had to go to a softball game. My shots have to be down between 7-9pm every night and I still don't feel I can do them myself. We sat in the parking lot and got the syringe ready and then I walked over to his side of the car so he could give me the shot. I kept telling him to hurry up because I was so afraid the cops were going to pull up. Could you imagine if it was LIVE PD??? ;)

I am starting to get my first bruise and some days it's more tinder than others...only 40 more days or so give or take. I am thankful for Blaise helping me with this part every night. I know he secretly enjoys jabbing me. lol


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