Getting real....

Today, I was medically cleared and moving on to the screening process. :) The agency said that out of all the women that apply to be surrogate's only a handful move on to this next stage in the journey. It is getting real now! The next step for us is for me to have a 2-3 hour skype interview and then Blaise will have a 1-hour interview. Once you get to this process of surrogacy, they ask you tons of questions. Some are easier to answer; like are you willing to pump breastmilk for the IP's should they decide that is something they would like or how do you imagine a relationship with the family after the pregnancy and others require much more thought like how many embryos are you willing to have transferred and how you feel regarding selective reduction and termination for various reasons. You go through your answers to all of the many questions and describe yourself, your family, your childhood, and what you are looking for in a journey. All of this information is not only used to see if you are a good fit for surrogacy but also to build your profile for potential IP's so you can be matched.

We also just found out that some friends of ours also just shared that they are doing this too and
using the same agency. Looks like things are falling into place! 


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